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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday September 16, 2008 at the multi purpose building in Sandy Hook, CT. 06482.  Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:35p.m.

PRESENT:  Chairman Chet Hopper, Theodore Kreinik, Robert Morey, Robert Rau, John Torok, Catherine Adsitt, Monte Frank and Mitch Bolinsky.

ALSO PRESENT: Director of Planning and Community Development, Liz Stocker

PUBLIC: Selectman Paul Mangiafico

Mr. Torok moved to accept the minutes as amended (see Attachment A with noted changes).  Mr. Morey seconded motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Hopper addressed the Commission regarding a letter he had received and an invitation also received from Ashlar of Newtown.  

Director of Planning and Community Development, Liz Stocker addressed the Commission regarding topics outlined in a handout (see Attachment B).  The Commission discussed the Tech Park Proposals Market Study & Fiscal impacts – as noted under Old Business, A.

Selectman Mangiafico addressed the Commission, stating that the Selectman’s point of view on the matter is that the EDC was woefully prepared in presentation to the Board of Selectman on Monday September 15, 2008.  Mr. Mangiafico went on to say that the EDC has plans for the proposed Tech Park while the Conservation Commission has a totally opposing view point.  The EDC has a good argument, however, the two groups have to come to a mutual agreement otherwise nothing will ever get done.
Mr. Mangiafico stated that the Conservation Commission’s sole concern is to protect the environment and those needs have to be met in terms of proper protection of the land/ property and brook.

A. Review Tech Park Proposals, Market Study and Fiscal Impacts
The Commission reviewed in great length the Tech Park and where the project currently stands.   The Commission seemed to be in agreement that regardless of what has been proposed and rejected in the past, the EDC must come up with a plan (an open space plan, trail plan etc. ) to submit for approval to the Conservation Commission and the Board of Selectman for review and comment.  Mr. Hopper suggested, in the wake of a time constraint as noted by Mr. Kreinik, that the EDC should meet for possibly two special meetings where time can be specifically set aside to discuss the Tech Park, review


the market study and to extract key features essential to the plans and proposal to submit to the Board of Selectman for review and approval.
Mr. Torok added that the Commission can not just assume that by putting information and reports regarding the Tech Park on the website that Planning and Zoning and the Conservation commission will automatically give feedback.  They have to be asked for a response and perhaps with a deadline for doing so.  
Mr. Hopper stated that he will send an email with a series on various dates and times for holding special meetings regarding the Tech Park.

B. Review of the Tech Park Municipal Development Planning
None noted, more direction is needed.

C. EDC Strategic Plan – SWOT Seminar
As the Seminar gets closer Mr. Rau is going to be in contact with the Newtown Bee and invitations will be sent.  The Commission reviewed and discussed the invitation so as to get people / businesses to want to come and share their opinions of doing business in Newtown.  The Commission agreed upon some changes. Ms. Adsitt will make the changes to the invitations as they currently appear.

D. Salute to Business 2008
Mr. Hopper stated that trying to communicate with one of the three businesses to be recognized, Environmental Energy Services, has been difficult.  Otherwise everything else is moving along and invitations are being mailed this week.

Capital Improvement Plan
(Previously discussed).

Mr. Hopper stated that First Selectman Borst is to write a letter to the state regarding the change in request of funds.

Mr. Morey moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Economic Development Commission at 9:35p.m. .  Mr. Torok seconded motion.  All were in favor.

Submitted by Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk